Jamie Gaskins

Ruby/Rails developer, coffee addict

Clearwater, a Front-End Web Framework in Ruby

Published Jan 17, 2015

Front-end web development is dominated by JavaScript. This makes perfect sense, seeing as JavaScript is the only programming language that all major browsers implement. But some developers, myself included, are much more comfortable, and therefore more productive, in other languages even when they are well-versed in JavaScript.

Ruby's class-based object model makes a lot more sense to me than JavaScript's prototypical object model. The Uniform Access Principle appeals to me, as well. I had played around with Opal a lot for the past year and, over Thanksgiving weekend with some time to kill, I decided to try my hand at implementing a front-end framework entirely in Ruby. It's called Clearwater.

In a matter of days, I had routing and rendering working using Slim templates (via my opal-slim gem). A few more days of development to fix the back/forward button and clicking links with modifier keys as well as a few rendering issues — the usual problems that crop up in single-page apps. I had almost everything that Ember had except two-way data binding (which I don't think I actually want) in less than a week of actual development.

The bonus is that this framework is written entirely in Ruby using Opal. I TDDed it using RSpec (via the opal-rspec gem). I wrote my demo app entirely in Ruby. I used Ruby idioms throughout, including method_missing for proxy objects. Everything I tried works.

I had a lot of help in writing the framework because I didn't have to write my own template language. I was able to leverage the power of existing Ruby template engines like Slim and Haml using thin wrappers to tell Opal to store them inside its Template namespace. They get converted to JavaScript templates via Sprockets so there is no runtime compilation in production the way there is with server-side templates. This has the side effect of not needing to choose Slim over Haml for performance reasons.

How is application formed?

Your app consists of a primary controller (the main controller holding app state) and a router holding a tree of routes.

router = Clearwater::Router.new do
  route "foo" => FooController.new do
    route "bar" => BarController.new

  route "baz" => BazController.new

MyApp = Clearwater::Application.new(
  controller: ApplicationController.new, # This is the default
  router: router # Default router is blank

The router adjusts the controller structure according to the URL and then calls the primary controller, which renders the controllers all the way down.


Controllers hold application state, so when you've loaded or generated a set of objects, storing them as an instance variable will keep them around for the next time that route gets rendered.

They are also the targets for routing. If your URL path is /articles/1, it may invoke your ArticlesController and an ArticleController.

Controllers are associated with views. There is no naming convention so the view must be specified.

class MyController < Clearwater::Controller
  view { MyView.new }

You don't need to have a named view if your view doesn't do anything besides render a template. You can use an anonymous view instance:

class MyController < Clearwater::Controller
  view { Clearwater::View.new(element: '#my-view', template: 'my_view') }


Views have two main attributes, configurable either via DSL or inside the initializer.

class MyView < Clearwater::View
  element "#my-view"
  template "my_view"

This will rely on there being a container element with the CSS selector #my-view if it needs to be rerendered on its own. If the parent is being rendered as well (such as on initial render or navigation from another route), this isn't necessary.

The template, however, is required. This is the path/filename of the template being rendered. This particular view will render the template in app/assets/javascripts/templates/my_view.slim if you're using the opal-slim gem (or the equivalent Haml template if using opal-haml).

The view serves as the context of the template, so methods defined in the view are available inside the template. This allows for things like form helpers (available by subclassing Clearwater::FormView instead of Clearwater::View).

The view also delegates to the controller, so you can access app state without explicitly requesting it from the controller.


Templates can be written in your favorite Ruby template language. I prefer Slim so I wrote the opal-slim wrapper to compile Slim templates for Opal. Adam Beynon, the creator of Opal, wrote the opal-haml gem to accomplish the same for Haml (also, thanks to Adam for the inspiration for the opal-slim gem!).

I believe ERb support is built-in, but I haven’t tested that because I don’t use it. :-)


Similar to Ember routes, controllers can be nested. Your controllers have an outlet attribute that points to the next subordinate controller. The router wires this up as part of the routing process based on the URL so you should never need to adjust it manually.

Views have an outlet method you can use in your templates. This is used for rendering the subordinate view.

If there is no subordinate route, but you still want to render content where the outlet would go, you can set up a default outlet for the controller:

class MyController < Clearwater::Controller
  default_outlet { MyDefaultOutletController.new }

This is useful if, for example, you are rendering a blog but a specific article hasn’t been chosen yet. This default outlet could render the most recent article or the most recent 5-10 or whatever makes sense for your application.

Will it blend?

The most common problems with front-end frameworks are how they break the back button, click events with modifier keys (Command/Ctrl-clicking to open a new tab, for example), and linkability.

Back/forward-button usage is detected by the onpopstate event. The app monitors this event and rerenders based on the updated URL.

Clicking links using any modifier keys are completely ignored by Clearwater, so we can honor the browser's default behavior and not piss off users.

Linkability, the ability to bookmark/share links to specific routes (and, by extension, refresh the page and have it render in the same state), is provided by similar functionality to the back/forward-button handling mentioned above. That is, the app rendering is based entirely on the URL, so once the app loads, it will render the same page it showed before.

"Just use JavaScript, you lazy bum!"

A lot of JS proponents say we should just use JavaScript. That's an easy position to take when it's a language you like, but I don't particularly enjoy JavaScript. When Rails was first announced, developers from the .NET and Java communities said the same things, that we should just use their stack, but Rubyists wanted something better and, as a community, have made Rails one of the most popular web frameworks in the industry.

My point is that we don't have to settle for JavaScript. I’m not trying to say Clearwater is the solution to all your front-end woes. It’s not the next Ruby on Rails (well, it’s possible, but I’m not claiming that right now). However, there are several Opal frameworks on the rise: Volt, Vienna, RubyFire.

"But debugging!"

Another argument people make against using languages that compile to JavaScript is that you still need to understand JavaScript, and that’s absolutely true, but it’s not a convincing argument against Opal.

You also need to understand Java to debug Scala or Clojure apps on the JVM. You need to understand HTTP to build nontrivial Rails apps. You need to understand SQL to do just about anything with ActiveRecord. A lot of abstractions in common usage today have leaks. I don't like that any more than anyone else (to be honest, I complain about it pretty regularly), but it's part of what we do. You always need to understand underlying mechanisms of your app and architecture.

Opal also supplies source maps to the browser to aid debugging purposes in development to show you the Ruby file and line of code (instead of the compiled JS) in stack traces. It's not always perfect, but it's getting better.

So is it usable?

I'm sure there are kinks to work out, but it's usable in its current form. The project readme has an example of a minimal Clearwater application using a simple controller and a Slim template.

Over time, I'll be setting up docs and putting together a few screencasts to show off some more of Clearwater's functionality. In the meantime, if you'd like to chat about it, you can tweet at me or say hi in the Clearwater Gitter channel (I'm @jgaskins in the channel).
